Golden Harvest is identical to Caramel Apple apart from her cutie mark, shares her design and color scheme with Pizza Pie, shares her design with Daisy, " Berry Icicle", " Lilac Blossom", " Maroon Carrot", " Mint Swirl", " Serena", Spring Forward, S01E11 Unnamed Earth Mare #4, S01E11 Unnamed Earth Mare #5, and S04E22 Unnamed Earth Mare #14, and shares her tail style with Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine.

She has speaking roles in Boast Busters, Swarm of the Century, Green Isn't Your Color, A Friend in Deed, and It Isn't the Mane Thing About You. Her name is not mentioned on the show, but it appears varyingly in merchandise and other media. Golden Harvest, or Carrot Top, is a female Earth pony with a pale goldenrod coat, carrot orange mane and tail, dark olive green eyes, and a cutie mark of three carrots with greens. Ponyville Choir head member ( Rarity and the Curious Case of Charity) On top of all this, Windy City Cigars is also centrally located in the midwest so they can offer quick shipping throughout the United States.Golden Harvest dressed as a devil in Luna Eclipsed They also provide an extensive set of pipe tobacco reviews on every product so you can rest easy knowing the quality and experience of any pipe tobacco available. Between always sourcing the highest-quality tobacco products and ensuring every product sold comes delivered as fresh as possible, Windy City Cigars will quickly become your go-to source of all your online pipe tobacco products. Windy City Cigars is your premium online pipe tobacco shop. Its subtle flavors and smooth smoke make it perfect for those just starting out in the roll your own cigarette world.įor their mint flavor, Golden Harvest provides a natural mint flavor in the blend for a completely non-adultered mint blend any mint lovers will immediately fall in love with. The silver blend aims to provide the smoothest smoking experience imaginable without overpowering your taste buds.

Their natural flavor is a classic blend that’s still packed with flavor but will compare to more standard tobacco blends. It’s certain to get your attention whenever you spark up a hand-rolled cigarette or your favorite pipe. Every drag of this blend packs a serious punch of flavor making it perfect for the veteran smoker who’s looking for something a bit more powerful. Opposite of Golden Harvest’s blue blend is their robust blend. While it is not as strong as their other blends, the blue blend is still packed with flavor that you’ll feel in every drag. The blue blend is their mildest flavor providing a smooth smoking experience making it perfect for your everyday smoke. These flavors include their blue, robust, natural, silver, and mint. Windy City Cigars is always stocked with all five flavors so you can choose your preference and conveniently buy pipe tobacco online. With Golen Harvest’s unique blends of Burley and Oriental tobaccos, they offer five distinct pipe tobacco flavors suitable for even the pickiest of smokers. All around, Golden Harvest provides an extremely high-quality product sourced in the USA at surprisingly affordable prices. This gives Golden Harvest pipe tobacco a robust and smooth flavor for all of their blends paired with some of the highest-quality tobacco leaves available on the market. Their quality quickly became unmatched for their perfectly flue-cured Virginia tobacco and their exotic blends of Burley and Oriental (classic English) tobaccos. Golden Harvest brings you the highest quality Virginia tobacco at the lowest pipe tobacco price. We always have Golden Harvest 16oz (1lb) bags of pipe tobacco in stock and you’ll see a ton of great, positive reviews on this product. Golden Harvest Mint: won’t knock you out with the “spear minty” taste, just a subtle touch of mint. Golden Harvest Silver: smooth tasting blend that’s just easy on the taste buds. Golden Harvest Robust: their strongest tasting blend that gets your attention when you fire up a hand rolled cigarette. Golden Harvest Natural: a classic good tasting pipe tobacco, strong but not overpowering. Golden Harvest Blue: a good tasting smooth blend that’s not as strong as their robust product.

Golden Harvest Pipe and Cigarette Tobacco Blends: This is a good, quality pipe and cigarette tobacco without a lot of low quality flavoring additives or puff stems like you’ll find in other low cost pipe tobacco products. Golden Harvest Tobacco is known for using the best flue-cured, highest quality Virginia sourced pipe tobacco and for their more exotic blends they use Burley and Oriental (classic English) tobaccos.